Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Palpable Nonsense #1

If proof were needed that the United Kingdom is now home to red-tape and idiocy, we can see it in this story. Here were have Learco Chindamo, whom notoriously murdered a school Headteacher in 1995, using the odious Human Rights Act as a get-out from being deported.

What annoys me is that fact that time and time again, this Act is being used by Terrorists, Criminals and generally those for whom it was never meant to serve. People who wish to harm us and others use the act because they fear for their safety. More guilty are those, like Nigel Leskin, who represent these people. They actively seek to release people like Chindamo back into society...

The Government say they will vigorously appeal against this ruling, but I am certain it will be a waste of time. he will stay in the UK, and that will be that.


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