Bonkers Blair

No, the war in Iraq was in fact about values.
It was about spreading democratic values to negate Muslim extremism...
The man makes me laugh. he changes his principles with the wind, and listening to him last night made me and others realise how truly out of touch he is with the electorate in the UK. Yes, we elected him, but to ride roughshod overall and sundry shows what an opportunist he has become. Whenever he now visits the US, we can all see that he is laying the ground for what will be the most lucrative speaking circuit of all time.
This man has gone from being even handed in the Israel/Palestine question. he's moved from a position prior to being PM of saying that Israel should move back to pre-1967 borders (as per various UN resolutions) to one where the Tel Aviv government are given free rein to perform a land-grab at will. He is an audience sycophant of the highest-order. A chameleon if you will...
Don't get me wrong. B.Liar is one of the finest political orators ever seen. Sometimes, when he speaks on other topics, I find my position shifting to his viewpoint. Not this time. he has allied himself so closely to Bush that he has given himself little room for manoeuvre. He now sees the World in the simplistic Black and White of Redneck George.
"Yer either wid us or ag-ainst uzz" No it's more complicated than that.
I abhor what Hezbollah stand for and what they're doing. But for Israel to be given carte blanch to carpet bomb Lebanon, is just wrong. Blair, Olmert and Bush fail to realise that each time we see a dead innocent child, woman or man, it creates more extremism. each time an innocent dies, he makes it harder to find a solution.
I am embarrassed that a LABOUR Prime Minister is remaining silent whilst Israel is committing war crimes, justifying it in defeating terror... He's saying that it's EVERYONE else that's out of step by not seeing things from Israel's perspective. I was pleased though that he didn't go so far as to say that being against Israeli policy makes you anti-Semitic. That would be just wrong. It's like those people in of my ethnicity who shout racism should someone criticise black people for any reason.
THEN, this morning we hear about the previous night B.Liar was hob-nobbing with the walking stereotype misogynistic criminal and sexual deviant, Snoop Dog, or Cordozar Calvin Broadus Jr to give him his proper name. I guess B.Liar thought he was getting down with a hero of "Black culture" rather than actually speaking to someone who continues to hold us back from realising our potential...
(...but that's a whole other topic I'll talk about soon...!)
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