Friday, July 28, 2006

"Yo - Blair. Walkies...!"

Friday 3rd of May 1997 was a fantastic day. It was morning when millions of us in the UK woke up to a Labour Government. It was led by a youthful, dynamic man, who had made not just the party electable, but had given all those wanting change from eighteen years of the Tories, hope for the future.

Anthony Charles Lynton Blair (call me Tony) could do no wrong in the eyes of the British public. We loved him to bits. I even remember when he was depicted as Bambi.

Man, tings dem change! Tony Blair is now depicted as Dubya's Poodle. His love affair with the British public ended when he started hanging onto George's pocket (ala T-Bag in 'Prison Break'). That was when he wimped out and agreed to join the US's illegal War in Iraq, and sold it to the British public on the basis of WMD. Since that point, Blair has lost credibility day by day by day, so much so that he is subject to unheard of ridicule.

Since last weeks infamous "Yo-Blair" exchange, we here in the UK have stood incredulous to how this man seems to lose his confidence, composure and defers to the Inarticulate American President. Quite frankly, it's embarrassing.

Today, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, First Lord of the Treasury, Privy Counsellor, Minister for the Civil Service and Member of Parliament for the constituency of Sedgefield, has run off to Washington for what seems to be the 51st time to be at his master's side.
I’m no clairvoyant, but can guess that in about eight hours time, were going to see him in one of those embarrassing press conferences where nothing happens, no difference is really made, and more rhetoric is said; all the time whilst Lebanon is reduced to rubble, and Towns in Israel continue to be targeted by fanatical 'freedom fighters'. All this is happening whilst Blair is allowing the US to send weapons to the Israelis via UK bases. It's a disgrace...

I want our Prime Minister to become that PM we all so loved in the chick-flick "Love Actually" and tell Bush where to get off, demand an immediate ceasefire and truly work for peace...


Blogger GlobalBlend said...

I fear you are right British Brother. I had to sit through that press conference during work yesterday (on TV, you understand...) and to hear Tone invoke 9/11 to justify his messed up policies, lay all (if not the lions share) of the blame for this mess in the Mid East on the doorstep of the Palestinians and the Lebanese (and help clarify what Bush clearly had trouble articulating, because he didnt have his talking points nearby). Depressing to say the least! Nic Robertson (?) from the BBC asked Bush a great question (and when I get the sound, I will upload it on The GB), It was something like, 'you say you will help the Lebanese rebuild their homes by giving them aid, but surely what they want to hear is that you will help stop the fighting'. Could Bush answer that with a direct response? No. What we did hear was this:'...we care about everyone affected in this conflict, but we have a situation where we have to' get the root cause', the terrorists who hate freedom started this....' JEEZ! The question is, when are WE going to get out of our seats and demand that our leaders are accountable? I saw the grilling Tone got on Question Time last year, where has all of that energy gone? Or maybe because I am not there I dont see it. AND really, WHAT is the alternative? We need to create an alternative, caues Tone just aint cutting it, and no one in is crew will. And I would rather punch myself in the face than vote for a Tory leader. Not gonna happen. Policies don' work for poor people/people of colour. So who? Tell me British Brother, tell me!! I know there is someone out there(maybe its YOU...?)

And Big ups to you and your lovely wife, cant wait to read more about your right wing socialist rantings (hahahaha)

4:27 pm  

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